Come and join many GW members on the all new (1995 - 2017) | (2023 - ?)

In October of 2017 ceased operations, ending a 22 year run of serving the gaming needs of the wider internet. It also marked the end of a 17 year run for the Community, a community that had formed many friendships and helped to establish relationships. It was with a heavy heart that we closed our doors in 2017, and it remained a sad point for those community members impacted.

Just prior to the close of the GameWinners Community several groups were formed on various websites and platforms. A Reddit, a Facebook group and a Discord server so that members could keep in touch even without the community. These methods proved to not be terribly popular, and so as time went on many members started to fall away from one another, but efforts were still taken to keep as much of the community together as possible.

In June of 2023 members of the former GameWinners Community founded, a brand new community for members of and brand new members, as well. It is a simple community with a warm, welcoming and fun environment. We invite each and every one of you to come and join this community and catch up with past members, relive some of the glory days of the community, and otherwise interact and have fun. The community has grown far faster and larger than any of the founding members could have predicted and we thank each and every member that has taken the time to register and participate. GWForums is a home for a community that truly, desperately needed one. Come and join us!


Need Game Help?

As gaming and the internet have changed so radically over these years, so too have the ways in which people get help for their gaming needs. Places such as YouTube and Twitch abound with guides for games, and are an excellent resource. Please also consider visiting our friends at or for help with cheat codes, guides, reviews, and so on. Finally, you can still find our cheat database through the's Wayback Machine if you're looking for something specific.

Thank You!

Thank you to each and every visitor that has stopped by GameWinners over our many years of service, and to the members of the community who poured countless hours into posting and ensuring a vibrant and entertaining community was available to any who chose to partake. Thank you also the countless members who volunteered their time as staff members, whether Moderators, Super Moderators or Administrators, your service was greatly appreciated. You were the backbone of the GameWinners Community and we thank you for being there.

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